Imperial College
While at Imperial College, I started and ran an innovative MSc in Actuarial Finance. This was the first degree in which actuarial science was taught at Imperial College. The degree combined aspects of finance and actuarial science in novel way, and provided students with block exemptions from most of the second-tier actuarial exams - a first for any UK university.
The course was a response to the Morris Review of the actuarial profession, commissioned by the UK Treasury. Sir Derek Morris found that actuarial practice and education had evolved too independently of university-based research and teaching, to its detriment, and recommended that universities be more actively involved in actuarial education. We invited Sir Derek to address our students, an invitation which he accepted.
Besides designing and running the program, as part of the program I taught classes in Pension Economics, Pension Finance, Actuarial Practice and Personnel Economics. I also taught principles of finance to MSc Finance students while at Imperial.
University of Georgia
RMIN 4000
Principles of Insurance and Risk Management
This course teaches basic principles of risk management and insurance to general business students and intended risk management and insurance majors.
RMIN 9550
Seminar in Life and Health Insurance
This course teaches the economics and finance of pension funds and social security to PhD students in Insurance and Risk Management.
RMIN 5110
Employee Benefits
Every company in America needs to decide how much to pay its employees, and in what form, and every employee needs to understand the benefits they are offered, how to utilize them effectively and how to incorporate them into their financial planning. This class teaches the theory and practice of employee benefits to risk management and insurance majors from both employer and employee points of view.
BUSN 5100
Special Topics in International Business
This course, taught at UGA's campus in Cortona, Italy, teaches the economic and financial history of the Roman Empire. Without necessarily taking a 'modernist' view, we assess how fruitfully modern theories of economics and finance can be applied to the ancient world.
Since 2022, I have been affiliated to the classics department in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia. I will be teaching an undergraduate class on the economic and financial history of the Roman Empire for the classics department in Summer 2023.